Nachricht von NISCVT / Beit Atfal Assumoud zu PalCHs Jubiläum

انشطة عمل اجتماعي (3)

It’s been so many years since our partnership began. All throughout, you’ve been with us, extending your support for the development of our services and projects. Having you around, as you are, has always encouraged us to seek creative ways to best serve the Palestinian refugee communities in Lebanon. The significant dedication of your endeavors has much contributed to the continuity of our programs in the camps and their surroundings.

A common interest brings us together. We inspire for a peaceful future for our
children and youth. We look forward to improving the living conditions of the Palestinian refugees on the health, mental, education, and socioeconomic levels. You’ve been with us sharing our concerns and fears, and celebrating our successes of which you are a chief partner.

Throughout the years, your support has reached thousands of the Palestinian children, youth, and entire families in various services. Your kind donations in the Sponsorship Program have made a difference in the lives of the refugees. The sponsorship for kindergarten children has ensured that education is accessible to the poor, where they receive education as well as care from their teachers, and develop socially with their peers.

In addition, your response to the needs of the community in emergencies has healed wounds of displacement and poverty. It has warmed the hearts of the Syrian refugee families in the last snowy winter. It provided full winter outfits for the children that made them proud of themselves, and gave them moments to cherish the family gatherings around the heaters. That is not all. Food support distributed to families in the Palestinian refugee camps, asserting their resilience during the COVID-19 lockdown and the scarcity of jobs.

On this occasion, the 20th year of continuous giving and non-stop efforts, we praise your actions of solidarity with the Palestinian refugees and their just cause. We wish you long-lasting success in all the endeavors you do for the refugees and the underserved communities, with lasting impact that cannot diminish. Blessed is your work. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
Kassem Aina, Beirut, August 2021